Nasdaq Report: Five Percent of Stock Market IT Providers Have Deployed Blockchain

Surprisingly, given the fact that blockchain is related with IT, the IT providers were quite slowly in adopting the blockchain technology.  This was a Nasdaq report on June 26 to “The Wall Street Journal”.

According to a study by Nasdaq, most of the stock-firms are still skeptical about exploring the distributed ledger technology(DLT).

The Nasdaq report demonstrates that  only 5 percent of companies adopted the blockchain technology, while 35 percent of the firms use the artificial intelligence  and the 40 percent is using the cloud computing.

70 percent of firms polled on the report declared that IT providers are trying to develop trial projects for blockchain, 20 percent of them answered that they have “no plans” to work on blockchain and 5 percent don’t have a specialized expert on blockchain.

Nasdaq report about blockchain

According to International Data Corp, since 2017 to 2018, the firms spent approximately more than $1 billion worldwide to adopt blockchain.

The authors of the study, Arin Ray and Joséphine de Chazournes, think that providers must be sure that blockchain offers first security and speed. Apart this, the authors od study say that they need compliance to adopt blockchain in the today’s market.

Ray highlighted that the adoption of blockchain “within core market infrastructure operations can take time”.

The CEO of Spanish bank BBVA declared that blockchain technology is “not mature”, but it has many chances to develop as fast as possible. More and more companies will accept the idea of blockchain in near future. That is true that blockchain lacks “volatility of underlying currencies” and the banks don’t know exactly the utility of blockchain technology.

First Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova declared in May that “Technology for the sake of technology is pointless,” she stressed that the international community should first come up with a “pragmatic understanding” of blockchain’s benefits.