Is Google really banning the cryptocurrencies ads?

Is Google really banning the cryptocurrencies ads? Well, the ambassador of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, got down with 10 percent after the Google announcement about the ads. The power of Google and Facebook on marketing and advertising can influence the crypto market. But the question is: why Google banned crypto news? Google made a partnership with XRP(Ripple).


Their answer was that the crypto market is not 100% legit for the moment. After the regulations, all the companies will accept and support cryptocurrencies. But now we are in transition period, from currency to cryptocurrency. Facebook made a similar step in January, by banning all ads for crypto, Bitcoin and Ether.

Bitcoin, the biggest cryptocurrency in the market valued by price, was quite shook by Google announcement. But we are in a world where the trend of cryptocurrencies  spread through people. Bitcoin is making the transition from the currency to the crypto, which is captured by the big ones.

Why Google is banning the cryptocurrencies ads?

Their campaign is like that: they will try to stop searches about Bitcoin, Ether or crypto.

But the question is: why Google is banning ads when they have signed with Ripple a partnership? Are they using their platform and currency itself in Google transactions? Well, the answer is very simple. A power like Google and Facebook together can shake the crypto market with 10%-20%, maybe 30% in a negative way. So, in this time, they can get at the lowest price to make a perfect investment for the moment. The same thing did Facebook  earlier in January, but this didn’t affect the market so hard.

Google started this move since 2017, when they banned 1,7 billion ads and 3,2 billion in 2017 under the pretext of bad ads, but the ads for cryptocurrencies have a serious impact on Google sales because Google generated $100 billion from ad revenue, up to 20% form 2016.

Google offers a wonderful moment of acquisition through these moves, because the market sentiment will change with a negative one, and also their practical use will bring millions out of the market.