Chain Accelerator Opens Its Doors to Blockchain, Crypto Startups in France

Soon, in France has launched Chain Accelerator. The Chain Accelerator is the first startup that opens its doors to blockchain. The most important organizers of this project are: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies chairman Bibop G. Gresta, former SWIFT CEO Leonard Schrank, and Ledger president Pascal Gauthier.

Nicolas Cantu declared:

At a time when the President and the Government want to make Paris the capital of the ICOs, Chain Accelerator is positioning itself as a key player. By setting up a global and operational network in Paris, it brings together the best talent, extends the circle of contributors, and prepares for disruptions to help blockchain projects develop protocols in all sectors.”

There is a strange story about France. The Government accepted the idea of blockchain, but not the idea of cryptocurrencies. More than that, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, gave strict rules to the regulators.

Le Maire gave another declaration in May, that states his change of mind:

A revolution is under way, of which Bitcoin was only the precursor. The blockchain will offer unprecedented opportunities for our startups. I was a neophyte a year ago, but now I’m passionate. Let us show a lot of pedagogy with our fellow citizens to make France the first place of blockchain and crypto-active innovation in Europe.”

Chain Accelerator in France

The Chain Accelerator could help France become an important factor for the blockchain development. Now, there are more than 30 people that work on the development and the expansion of the company.

More and more startups will search for the help of the company once the blockchain and the cryptocurrencies will rise their fame.

One of the members of National Assembly for Paris, Pierre Person, declared:

In France, as everywhere in the world, blockchain projects face many uncertainties and complexities, whether financial, legal, or technical. Yet this technology will revolutionize our daily lives. As such, it is essential today to have both a legislative framework enabling its full development and structures enabling the emergence of such projects. Our country must become a leader in the blockchain. I am convinced that Chain Accelerator — the first blockchain incubator — will contribute greatly to this.”

It is a truth that France is still a startup in comparison with U.K. and Switzerland. U.K. and Switzerland have already a backup in the fintech domain. For example, U.K. has already gained more than $2.4 billion from fintech space. Even with this competition, France will not give back because it knows that it has big chances to develop in the next year.

Chain Accelerator will have the headquarter offices in Paris’ Station F. Roxanne Varza, the director of Station F, commented:

The blockchain universe, inherently decentralized, stands out for its global and international nature. Innovation comes from everywhere, talents are rare, the need for support is exacerbated. We are pleased to welcome Chain Accelerator.”